Author Archives: Christa VanHoesen

Do you “Engage”?

I myself find it hard sometimes to “engage” people, I’ve always been a shy person (or at least I thought). I’ve realized over the years however that it’s more a confidence problem and not the fact that I’m shy. I’m pleasantly surprised when I speak up and people actually want to converse. People need to realize that it doesn’t take much to “engage”. It starts with a simple hello. I’m a very private person, but social media has given me the ability to “engage” more than I have in the past. It doesn’t replace real life interactions with people, but it certainly gives me that spark I need. Be open, be honest and especially Be Yourself. Don’t be afraid to Engage, step out of your comfort zone, you might be pleasantly surprised with the outcome!

It’s the end of the world!

This past week there have been many people saying that today, May 21,2011 is the end of the world. The day of the rapture. I have to admit that I have often wondered when this day would come, but to actually nail down the exact date? Now that’s impressive! What will I do today? Hmmm, let me think about this…Oh, i know! Absolutely nothing! Seriously, do these so called believers really truly think today is the day? Have they not read the Bible, God’s word, stating that it will happen in a blink of an eye. That you can not predict the day when we will go to be with our father in Heaven! We must live each day as if it were our last. It’s hard enough being a Christian these days, but when people exploit the one thing that defines us as believers, it makes us look crazy. Those who have yet to understand what it means to be saved will look upon this day and think…”ha ha, what idiots! They thought the world was coming to an end!”. What does this accomplish? How do we overcome the negative impact this will have on our lives? Put your faith in God! For he will overcome any obstacle put in your way. Trust in the Lord with all your heart, mind and soul. Don’t live your life wondering when.

Lifelong Friend

For a long time I had felt sorry for myself.  I’d given up any hope of re-connecting with my best friend.  Years and years went by and I convinced myself that she had moved on.  I told myself that if she wanted to talk to me she would, so I quit trying.  Why should I be the one to make the effort, so I left it up to her.  How stupid is that!  The fear of us not having that same connection along with possible rejection (which was silly for me to think) and hearing she had possibly found a new best friend…how could I deal with that?  These thoughts were all unfounded, but yet they prevented me from trusting in our friendship.  So after almost a decade of separation, I felt as if a part of me was missing.  Not only had I lost my best friend, I had lost myself.  I realized that she was more than my best friend…she was a part of me.  She was the one person I turned to for advice, she was there for me, always encouraging me, always had the right thing to say and always knew how to make me smile.  So  last summer I got up the courage and picked up the phone.  I was sooo nervous, but the minute she answered the phone and joyfully said my name, I knew right then and there I had never lost her, she was always there, I just needed to reach out again.

Starting your own home business

How many times have we said to ourselves…I would love to start my own business and work from home?  I know that the answer for myself is more times than I can remember.  So how DO you start your own business?  I’ve found that it’s not as easy as you may think.  All businesses require time, dedication, research, advertising, the will to succeed, and lets not forget the all important “Money” to get started.  If you decide to start your own business…ask yourself these questions.  What type of business do I want?  Does it reflect who I am and my values?  Is this something I want to do full or part time?  How much money am I willing to invest?  Are you willing to put the work into making your business succeed?  Word to the few who have the courage to take on the task… the road to success happens only after many failures.  You will encounter many obstacles, but perseverance is the key.  Don’t let anyone tell you that you won’t succeed!  How do THEY know?!  Here is the one website I’ve found to be the most informative.